PBY Canso CF-UAW News and Updates
Recognising the PBY Catalina Heritage Worldwide
2021 PBY Update:
As our Federal and Provincial Covid-19 Health restriction eased up over the summer we began making plans for the 2021 season. We were invited to the Victoria Flying Clubs Open House, The British Columbia Aviation Museum and to star in a T.V. program being filmed in Vancouver and of course our ever popular November 11th Remembrance Day Fly-by’s.
Alas, during our annual C of A inspection some minor corrosion was found. Victoria Air Maintenance worked hard making needed repairs but unfortunately not in time for the TV Show date but we did make the VFC Open House and what a success that was. Russ and Karen sold a lot of our merchandise and Bob, Oliver and Pat gave tours of the PBY. Because TCPS was not able to provide our PBY for the T.V. Show we called our friends at SAVE THE CANSO in Fairview Alberta to help out and they were very happy to oblige. Don Wieben enlisted TCPS Captain Oliver Evans to ferry PBY C-FNJE to Boundary Bay for the shoot. What a great success.
We are awaiting results from another test before making solid plans for our annual November 11th Remembrance Day Fly-By.
2019 and 2020 PBY Update:
With the advent of the World Health Covid-19 situation shutting down all Western North American Aviation activities, for the most part we parked the PBY with the exception of some crew training in Cowichan Lake. This gave our volunteers an opportunity to catch up on some interior floorboard repairs, painting projects both inside and out and many other small projects.
2018 PBY Update:
With the PBY blister project completed thank to the help of Heritage BC we were able to participate in a variety of Airshow events. The Seattle Seafair and Abbotsford Airshow were a great success.
2016 PBY Update:
We began the Heritage BC sponsored Blister installation late in the winter of 2015 and by February of 2016 Victoria Air Maintenance had the blister frames installed.
Phase II: Blister Mold completed
Phase III: Harwood Composites has completed the inner plexi bits and the lads have installed them.
We are moving forward now to phase four: Harwood Composites are shaping the outer blister plexiglass.
With the PBY Repainting and Engine install projects completed in 2015 we managed somehow to sneak this little plane into (under the wire) the 2015 Abbotsford and Comox Airshow static display line-up. Sadly, we missed Boundary Bay airshow in 2015 but, if they will have us, we will do our level best to be a humble participant in 2016.
Pacific Flying Boats Ltd. and THE CATALINA PRESERVATION SOCIETYTM have embarked on a new adventure. Repainting PBY C-FUAW to traditional WWII R.C.A.F. Canso colours.
Transforming PBY CF-UAW from today
to yesterday
With both engines having been removed and freighted to Idaho for overhaul we thought this a good opportunity to begin preparations for a clean new coat of white primer before a final finishing coat is sprayed and decals installed. We have moved the PBY across the Victoria BC Airport to Victoria Air Maintenance hangar to facilitate engine removal and re-installation and have been given space and time to work on repainting the PBY. When completed PBY CF-UAW will have been returned to traditional WWII RCAF colours.
We will post progress updates here on our website and on our Face Book page.
Renovatio …. New Beginning” 
In the beginning… 🙂
April 20, 2014 PBY CF-UAW is parked at Victoria Air Maintenance for our
PBY Repainting Project
We undertook the project in late April 2014 by washing the plane surfaces initially with Tide but quickly realized that Marine Bilge Cleaner was the choice of Pro’s. All area’s of the aircraft presented unique challenges scrubbing and removing years of built up gunk but extra time was required in the wheel and float wells removing old oil and grease and on the hull of its build up of gummy wax type amalgamation of engine, water and ground materials. With the surface squeaky clean we began chipping away the loose bits of paint with aluminum hand scrapers. Stripping sanding, feathering and washing.
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Over the past year Dave and Marc Scott from Nurndy Graphics and ForFire Enterprises in Langley BC have been researching the correct graphics and insignia’s used by the RCAF at #3 OTU Pat Bay. Their research took months to ensure the correct paint colour, lettering, numbers, font and proper insignia location culminating in two days of hard tedious installation work as Dave and Marc applied the decals snugly over the hundreds of small rivet heads. A busy two days this week and an awesome job indeed by everyone.
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By late 2014 with the PBY repainted to RCAF WWII colours we moved on to the Engines build-up and refurbishing the Blisters
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With the propellers off for inspection work was well underway hanging the engines in preparation for their first run-up. In the mean time, with lots of help from our membership we began tackling the interior. Blasting off and vacuuming loose paint chips, mopping and scrubbing out the bilges in preparation for a new coat of paint to brighten up the interior.
With the engines reconnected, the props certified and attached all that was left was to hear the timeless call from the Pilot… “All Clear!”
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From there it was time to present PBY Canso C-FUAW to the folks, beginning with the BC Aviation Museum Open House.